Sunday, February 19, 2012

Emergency Sunday: Trooper Gets His Teeth Pulled

Trooper went back to the vet today, this time for a big teeth extraction: 21 to be exact. Ouch.

At the river, a happy dog, except for his teeth.

I didn't know it was an emergency, until I got a vet update. She told me it was the worst she has seen in a while. (I won't tell you the icky details. Really, you don't want to know). But when she said twenty-one teeth came out, all I could think of is, are there any left? The answer is yes, but not many.

Uber icky, one of TWENTY ONE that came out today.

The good news is--YES, THERE IS GOOD NEWS!  He's out of surgery and in recovery. *Whew*

The not-so-good news is the bill is twice the original quote, now, at an estimated $850, or what I like to call: rent.

Holy, bejeezus.

And, they won't take payments, or checks--in very tiny print. OYE VEY. *Fans myself*

Trooper saying thank you.

So, I've added a PayPal donation widget. Donate if you can. Every dollar helps, truly. We appreciate from the bottom of our furry little hearts.
Thank you, d xo
P.S. Donaters will receive 20% off ANYTHING you might want at Dahlila Found or Scout & Rescue.
thru April 2012.

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