Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Morning Walk, Day 8

We walked quite a ways this morning. Little guy was just about to sit down and call it quits in this photo. He was a great trooper, keeping up, but then he was done. Plop. I had to carry him home. My arms were limp by the time we arrived.

I may need one of those doggy backpacks...words no one would EVER imagine me saying. This dog is not a dog anyone would ever imagine ME having either. Big dogs, mountain dogs, herding dogs, that's me. Or, that's my illusion of me. Now I'm a woman who is homing a small fluffy lap dog, one that sits in the crook of my arm, one that wears a coat & needs a sweater.

Can you hear it? The universe is laughing and laughing. Oh well. Laugh away.

d, xo

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