Sunday, April 20, 2014

Small Discoveries in Sewing

My mother loaned me her 1960's Singer sewing machine--the only machine I have EVER sewn on, since I was a kid!--and when it looked like I wasn't going to return it, she bought me a new one. So different! It's taken me a while to adjust to it. As mom commented, "Are you still circling it?" Yep, I was. New fangled contraption, but slowly I was getting the hang of it, though it will never be as great as mom's--sturdy, metal, reliable.

 So, as days pass and I watch it sitting on my kitchen table I approach it with small projects--I am not a seamstress, not even a sewer, really. I dabble, enough said. But every discovery and experiment has been a small thrill. So I'll keep going back, sew a bit more, and eventually, who knows what I'll sew. Honestly, though, think small. ;)

Today I discovered I could take a very badly designed t-shirt--tight up around the neck, tight in the sleeves, just tight, and unappealing in all except the color which is dreamy, and turn it into something I'd wear--light, v-neck, free-form, lose threads, something someone, surely, would pay $20 or more for and I would NEVER. I probably paid $2 for it. Yay, me.

You should see the stack of tees I've dug out to recreate! 

It's all about fun, something different, even a tad, and recycling. It's my mantra for everything. :)
d, xo


  1. T-shirt recon is one of my favorite pastimes. You should google Threadbanger T-shirt recon for some extra ideas. Glad to see you blogging again.

  2. Thank you Phyllis. I've been a bad blogger. Will check out this recon idea. :)
