In the middle of a zooming yesterday, (coffee driven), I slowed down enough to add a little something extra to some outgoing packages. Here in northern California we are in the middle of some crazy January spring. People are in shorts and flip-flops, car windows are open, buds are blooming. It's ridiculous. (I love winter--sweaters, scarves,
woollies, hot tea, old movies, thunder storms. Ah, sigh).

Anyway, my
lavender bushes are blossoming and I thought that might be a nice addition for customers deep in snow or stuck in blizzards. Plus, I've been making tags. I love the birds.

Ann Douglas made my coffee cup tags and they're almost gone! Ann, make more! ;-)

Now, I have crocheting to tend to. Plus,
Grissom says goodbye tonight on
CSI. I hate endings.
Good night, dahlila.
Your new blog looks fabulous. Looks like you're having fun with it, too. That's the most important thing, right?